Saturday, April 14, 2007

You are what you read

I almost never read poetry, but I couldn't resist taking this Internet quiz, "What Poetry Form Am I?" (April is National Poetry Month, after all.) It turns out that I am a heroic couplet:

I am heroic couplets; most precise
And fond of order. Planned and structured. Nice.
I know, of course, just what I want; I know,
As well, what I will do to make it so.
This doesn't mean that I attempt to shun
Excitement, entertainment, pleasure, fun;
But they must keep their place, like all the rest;
They might be good, but ordered life is best.

Pretty accurate for a personality quiz that only has 10 questions. Check it out - maybe you will turn out to be a limerick! Or a terza rima (whatever that is!).

1 comment:

professeurpablo said...

Hi Enna, apparently I am a tanka! Just thought I'd let you know. PS - Who knew you had a blog?!