Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Faire la cuisine

Earlier this year, I read a couple of books by and about Julia Child. I like to cook, so I was tempted to try some of her recipes, but my vegetarian self just couldn’t embrace the idea of wrestling with a roast chicken, or digging marrow out of a cow bone to whip up a Bifteck Saute Bercy. So, I was pleased to discover a more accessible, recently published French cookbook called “Chocolate & Zucchini,” which grew from a blog of the same name. The woman who wrote the book, 29-year-old Clotilde Dusoulier, basically has my dream job: living in Paris, cooking delicious food, eating it and writing about it. I tried her recipe for Quiche de Broccoli a la Pomme, and it was scrumptious. For some reason I had always thought making quiche would be really difficult, but this was pretty easy. (Although I cheated by using a store-bought crust.) Next up, Billes de Noisettes au Chocolat. Or maybe a nice Tarte Amandine a la Myrtille….

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