Wednesday, December 19, 2007


This has never happened to me before: I was so absorbed in the book I was reading on the T this morning that I completely missed my stop. I didn’t even realize the train had gone over the Charles River until I looked up and saw that we were pulling into Central Square (one stop past where I normally get off). Fortunately Central is still within walking distance of where I work. The book that had me so enthralled was “Middlesex,” by Jeffrey Eugenides. I know, I am the last person on the planet who hasn’t read it, especially after my nemesis picked it for her book club. Oh well, better late than never. But from now on, I will need to be more careful when reading it on the T!


M said...

That's funny, "Middlesex" was a selection of the Tamar Book Club, apparently in the pre-enna days. Perhaps Oprah is copying Tamar.

I so enjoy reading about all the books you devour. I am still traveling along through the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I have faith that one day I shall reach Mount Doom. And then 200 pages of epilogue.

Anne said...

Yeah, those Lord of the Rings books are kind of a slog - but in the best possible way :) Btw, I just heard that Peter Jackson's next film project (besides "The Hobbit") is an adaptation of "The Lovely Bones" (another Tamar book club selection, probably post-Mimi). I'm failing to see how that fits in with his previous work, but I'm hoping it will be good.

professeurpablo said...

LOL - I am very amused by the bit about your nemesis. I think you and the O-Queen should meet for a duel. My bets would be on you! :-) Merry Christmas!